7 Tips to Start Riding a Motorcycle

Nowadays motorcycles are growing in popularity and it is more common that we find them not as work tools, but as a means of transportation. If you are thinking of buying a motorcycle to work, transport or just have fun on the weekends, consider the following recommendations:

1. Take a course
Before buying a motorcycle you must be aware of everything that involves driving it as a critical part of deciding whether to ride on two wheels is for you. There are many motorcycling courses but look for one that is taught by people with more experience. There are courses for all budgets and they will teach you the basics such as control, braking, mechanisms and even how to fall.

2. Do not skimp on safety equipment
Safety is paramount, so keep in mind that you will spend a lot of money on equipment in addition to the motorcycle itself. This team can save your life; part of it you will need is:
  • Helmet Check that you have DOT or SNELL certification
  • Jacket The stronger the material and have better protections, the better:
  • Shoulder pads
  • Elbow pads
  • Lumbar protection
  • Gloves They will help in falls and small blows
  • Boots That they have the appropriate protections for the type of handling you will perform
  • Pants, however, are not required and thick jeans can serve you up.
50% of Occurrences usually occur within the first 6 months of raiding a motorcycle.

3. Acquire a motorcycle according to your experience
Not all motorcycles are the same and some of us want to start with a big motorcycle. This is not always ideal since we can suffer a serious accident for not controlling the motorcycle and its power.

Let's be realistic and start with a small one, which also doesn't hurt our elbow so much if we hit it or scratch it. Once we have enough kilometers above that motorcycle, we can gradually grow it to a bigger and more powerful one.

4. Know the traffic regulations
The traffic regulations are different for motorcycles compared to cars; Keep this in mind and check it before you start riding a motorcycle. There are some cases that can help you and make the motorcycle very convenient, such as being able to pass cars in total high between the lanes.

In Our Country, it is not necessary to acquire a different license to ride a motorcycle, but having the certification of the course will always help.

5. Give constant maintenance
The maintenance of a motorcycle is not equal to that of a car. This must be more thorough, since there are only two wheels that keep us up, so any failure could end with us "kissing the pavement".

Using proper brake fluid is the first step in having a safe motorcycle. Keeping the brakes at the proper level of brake fluid will allow us to brake properly, which will prevent accidents. Remember to grease the motorcycle chain constantly, there is a wide range of different fats that can serve you. Performing the oil change regularly will help the engine to be in the best conditions.

6. Secure your motorcycle
It is very important that we all have the culture of auto insurance, so it will also be very useful, to avoid problems, to have your motorcycle secured.

There are millions of insurance plans for all types of motorcycles, in addition to all types of budgets. Remember that an accident can be very expensive.

7. Have fun
Motorcycles are vehicles that, when handled properly, are very fun. So take your course, choose the ideal motorcycle for you, acquire your safety equipment, know the traffic regulations and go out and have fun.

If you want more advice about all types of vehicles, click here.

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