Choose the exhaust pipe of your motorcycle & drive without a problem in winter.

How to choose the exhaust pipe of your motorcycle?

When driving the motorcycle you are aware of the importance of the weight you carry. These, among other aspects, are important when selecting a new exhaust pipe. For this reason, it is very important to know the advantages and disadvantages of the different exhaust pipes that exist in the market. An internal combustion engine is not able to burn the fuel in its entirety. The greater the unburned fuel, the greater the generation of harmful substances expelled in the exhaust gases into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is, despite not being a toxic gas, the major cause of the greenhouse effect and is one of the gases that eliminates the motorcycle when it is running. From BikeListy we want to tell you everything you need to know about the exhaust pipe of your motorcycle and also tell you that you can consult with our professionals any questions you have.

Types of motorcycle exhaust pipe

In reference to the material with which they are manufactured we find 4 types of exhaust in the market:

Stainless steel: The stainless steel exhaust pipes are the cheapest, at BikeListy we have excellent offers to offer you. The price and its great resistance to shocks are its advantages. Among its negative points, we find that they are heavy and that they are not very efficient in dissipating heat.

Aluminum: Aluminum exhaust pipes are much lighter than steel and also dissipate heat more effectively. They are very resistant to corrosion and also have a bright appearance that will make them look new for a long time. The big disadvantage is that they are fragile, they are easily marked.

Carbon: Carbon fiber exhaust pipes are very light and have a good heat dissipation. Their weak points are the price and they have a low resistance to shocks.

Titanium: The only disadvantage of the titanium exhaust pipe is the price. If we put aside the economic issue, they are all points in favor: lightness, resistance and efficiency in terms of heat dissipation.

Installation and operation of the exhaust pipe

The operation of the exhaust pipe is simple: the collector collects the gases in the outlet valves of the engine cylinders and leads them to the catalyst, which is responsible for reducing pollutants. From there the exhaust gases are directed to the silencer that reduces the intensity and frequency of the sound, passing through a labyrinthine path, and then being released into the atmosphere.

Depending on the type of connection the exhaust pipes can be BOLT-ON or SLIP-ON. The first ones are those that are attached directly to the manifold, by means of nuts and bolts but dispense with any piece that intermediate between the manifold and the exhaust pipe. SLIP-ONs are those that use a small elbow to make the connection. But beyond the material or the type of connection, it is very important that the exhaust pipe complies with current regulations. You must be sure that it is approved, it is the first aspect that you should verify.

Knowing the operation of the parts of your motorcycle will help you decide on a less risky and intuitive way. Also, do not forget that our professionals are here to help you with whatever you need. You can approach any of the two BikeListy workshops in Barcelona, we wait for you without an appointment! Knowing the operation of the parts of your motorcycle will help you decide on a less risky and intuitive way. Also, do not forget that our professionals are here to help you with whatever you need. You can approach any of the two BikeListy workshops in Barcelona, we are waiting for you without an appointment!

Heated cuffs. Drive your motorcycle without problems in winter.

While the motorcycle is associated with good weather, we also drive in winter. Of all the accessories to resist the cold, the heated cuffs are what will make you notice a real difference in comfort when driving. Previously the heated cuffs were for high-end motorcycles but are now accessible to all models. If your motorcycle does not bring them from the factory there are generic models that work perfectly. From BikeListy, we tell you everything you need to know to encourage and try them.

Driving the motorcycle in winter

Both summer and winter force us to take precautions in the way of dressing when riding the motorcycle. In summer, despite the heat, we must cover the body by the sun and to protect it from the risk of a fall. In winter we have to protect ourselves from the cold. The jacket, the footwear, the helmet are very important. however, the weak points are in the unions between the different pieces. The waist, ankles, wrists, and neck are the determining points so that the comfort achieved by good equipment does not disappear. Hands are key when driving and we should feel that we have control of the motorcycle. The cold and wind to which they are exposed can numb them and in addition to being a dangerous situation, it is not necessary. Today you can enjoy heated fists starting at € 97.95 with the installation included in BikeListy. We know how much you like your motorcycle and we assure you that after driving with heated fists, you will hallucinate.

Are there any disadvantages to having heated fists?

Heated cuffs convert electrical energy into heat. This energy comes from the battery and therefore from the fuel. However, the power consumed is comparable to that used by a dipped beam, which means that you will not notice a difference in gasoline consumption. The operation is simple but if you want to know more details we invite you to read the following article in which the doubts you may have about heated fists will be cleared. If you want to ask any questions, do not hesitate to contact us, at BikeListy we will be happy to answer you via mail, phone or in person. The installation is not complicated. however, it should be done by a professional. It is necessary to install a cutting relay so that the energy only flows when it is in contact. In this way, you will avoid that by oversight you cannot start the motorcycle the next day. Also in BikeListy we always have the best offers, it is not worth taking risks or stressing yourself.

Heated fists are one of the great ideas for motorcyclists. Once you try them you will not want to drive again in winter without them. It's about common sense and assessing how much your comfort and safety on the motorcycle is worth.

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